Alex Wilcox is an American music producer and Live Performer/DJ based in Berlin. He composes eclectic club music and plays only his own productions in a genre-less chaotic whirlwind involving live vocals, hard cuts, numerous BPM changes and existential theatrical moments. Alex was recently in Kolkata, the city of Joy where he played a power-packed set for Alex Wilcox live by Calcutta is Dead. Check out this exclusive interview!

Alex, tell us about your career and your music?

Born in Texas, I was originally infatuated with 90’s rock music and spent countless days copying John Frusciante’s guitar playing. In my teenage years, I played in a hard rock/funk band throughout venues in Dallas. When I was 15 I played at the Texas State Fair – filled with purpose, I left knowing that I would pursue music for the rest of my life.

What is your inspiration for your unique, fantastic sounds in your songs?

Honestly? I don’t know.  Sometimes I might be consciously trying to make a certain idea – for example, combining some 80’s hardcore punk with “modern” techno lowend/drums, other times I’ll want to make beautiful melodies or focus on a nice chord progression.  Sometimes I’m bored when I start making music. I could write many many paragraphs about this, do you have a more specific track you’re thinking about?

You’re currently on your India tour. How are you liking it here in India?

It’s going well – so far so good. Scene is very different to what I’m used to. People seem to be enjoying what I’m doing so that’s nice.

You came to Kolkata, the city of joy. What was your experience here and how did you like the crowd?

I didn’t get to see the city much at all – just went to the hotel and played. Crowd was great – they were really into the music. Generally speaking they were cool – I noticed there were a lot of guys in the crowd – I think I was freaking the people out with my performance – which is good. The security got upset at me for taking my pants off (laughs)

What’s your favourite Indian food?

The best tasting thing I’ve probably had was this hot desert ball in a sweet liquid. Can’t remember what it’s called – but I think it’s quite common. It might be unfair though because it was paired with vanilla ice cream. Otherwise, probably butter chicken or dal mukni – with really good naan/roti.

How do you get the energy to perform so brilliantly for hours? What’s the secret?

I don’t have a “secret.” I just really want to do my best when I perform, and make people have an experience. I could do another line of work if I wanted to. I really love music, and want to push myself to do well.

What can fans expect in the future?

A lot more music, less dj’ing and more live stuff.

Are we seeing an Alex Wilcox India tour again soon?

Hopefully so – got a booking in a nearby country around August so let’s see.

Alex, it was a wonderful interview and the city of joy cannot wait to host you again. Check out Alex and his music now!


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